Yoon SB, Chen L, Robinson IE, Khatib TO, Arthur RA, Claussen H, Zohbi N, Wu H, Mouw JK, Marcus AI Subpopulation commensalism promotes Rac1-dependent invasion of single cells via laminin-332 Journal of Cell Biology (April 2024) commentary & spotlight in Friedl and Zegers, Journal of Cell Biology 2024
Koo J, Seong CS , Parker RE, Dwivedi B, Arthur R,. Dinasarapu AR , Johnston HR, Claussen H, Tucker-Burden C, Ramalingam SR , Fu H, Zhou W, Marcus AI*, Gilbert-Ross M Live-cell invasive phenotyping uncovers the LKB1 kinase as a negative regulator of the ALK2/Hepcidin pathway in lung cancer Cancer Research 2024 *co-senior authors
R Sharma, S Sharma, P Shriwas, L Mehta, A Vu, JK Mouw, J Koo, C Huang, VY Matsuk, C Tucker-Burden, G Joseph, M Behera, SY Sun, MA Roy, M Gilbert-Ross, T Leal, AI Marcus, M Shanmugam Intra-tumoral YAP and TAZ heterogeneity drive collective NSCLC invasion that is targeted by SUMOylation inhibitor TAK-981 iScience 2024
Khatib TO AA, Knippler CM, Pedro B, Summerbell ER, Zohbi NM, Konen JM, Mouw JK, Marcus AI. A live-cell platform to isolate phenotypically defined subpopulations for spatial multi-omic profiling. PLoS One. (2023). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292554.
Knippler CM, Arnst JL, Robinson IE, Matsuk V, Khatib TO, Harvey R, Shanmugam M, Mouw JK, Fu H, Ganesh T, Marcus AI Bisbiguanide analogs induce mitochondrial stress to inhibit lung cancer cell invasion iScience (May 2024)
Summerbell ER, Mouw JK, Bell JSK, Knippler CM, Pedro B Arnst JL, Khatib TO, Commander R, Barwick BG Konen J, Dwivedi B, Seby S, Kowalski J, Vertino PM, Marcus AI Epigenetically heterogeneous tumor cells direct collective invasion through filopodia-driven fibronectin micropatterning Science Advances (2020, in press)
Commander R, Wei C, Sharma A, Mouw J, Burton L, Summerbell E, Mahboubi D, Peterson R, Konen J, Zhou W, Du Y, Fu H, Shanmugam M*, Marcus AI* Subpopulation targeting of pyruvate dehydrogenase and GLUT1 to decouple metabolic heterogeneity during collective cancer cell invasion Nature Communications (2020); in press *co-senior author
Pedro B, Rupji M, Dwivedi B, Kowalski J, Konen JM, Owonikoko TK, Ramalingam SS, Vertino PM, Marcus AI, Prognostic significance of an invasive leader cell–derived mutation cluster on chromosome 16q Cancer (2020, in press)
Zoeller EL, Pedro B, Konen J, Dwivedi B, Rupji M, Sundararaman N, Wang L, Horton JR, Zhong C,. Barwick BG, , Cheng X, Martinez ED, Torres MP, Kowalski J, Marcus AI*, Vertino PM* Genetic heterogeneity within collective invasion packs drives leader and follower cell phenotypes Journal of Cell Science (2019, in press) *co-senior author Paper
Haney S , Konen J, Marcus AI, Bazhenov M The complex ecosystem in non small cell lung cancer invasion PLoS Comp Biol (2018)
Richardson AM, Havel L, Koyen AE, Konen JM, Shupe JA, Wiles WG, Martin WD, Grossniklaus H, , Sica GL, Gilbert-Ross M, Marcus AI Vimentin is required for lung adenocarcinoma metastasis via heterotypic tumor cell-cancer-associated fibroblast interactions during collective invasion. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Dec 5. Pubmed
Konen J, Summerbell E, Dwivedi B, Galior K, Hou Y, Rusnak L, Chen A, Saltz J, Zhou W, Boise LH, Vertino P, Cooper L, Salaita K , Kowalski J, Marcus AI Image-guided genomics of phenotypically heterogeneous populations reveals vascular signaling during symbiotic collective cancer invasion Nature Communications, (2017) Paper
M Gilbert-Ross, J Konen, J Koo, J Shupe, BS Robinson, WG Wiles IV, C Huang, WD Martin, M Behera, GH Smith, CE Hill,, GL Sica, M Rupji, Z Chen, J Kowalski, AL Kasinski, SS Ramalingam, H Fu, FR Khuri, W Zhou, AI Marcus Targeting adhesion signaling in KRAS, LKB1 mutant lung adenocarcinoma (Journal of Clinical Investigation- Insight)
Wilkinson S, Hou Y, Zoine J, Saltz J, Zhang C, Chen Z, Cooper L, Marcus AI Coordinated cell motility is regulated by a combination of LKB1 farnesylation and kinase activity (in press, Scientific Reports, 2017) Pubmed
Li Z, Ivanov A, R Su, V Gonzalez-Pecchi, Q Qi, S Liu, P Webber, E McMillan, L Rusnak, C Pham, X Chen, X Mo, B Revennaugh, W Zhou, Marcus AI, S Harati, Xiang Chen, Margaret A. Johns, Michael A. White, C Moreno, L Cooper, Y Du, FR Khuri & H Fu The OncoPPi network of cancer-focused protein–protein interactions to inform biological insights and therapeutic strategies Nature Communications (in press) Pubmed
Okura H, Golbourn BJ, Shahzad U, Agnihotri S, Sabha N, Krieger JR, Figueiredo CA, Chalil A(, Landon-Brace N, Riemenschneider A, Arai H, Smith CA, Xu S, Kaluz S, Marcus AI, Van Meir EG, Rutka JT. A role for activated Cdc42 in glioblastoma multiforme invasion. Oncotarget. 2016 Jul 2 PMID: 27486972 Pubmed
Konen J, Wilkinson S, Lee B, Fu H, Zhou W, Jiang Y, Marcus AI LKB1 kinase-dependent and -independent defects disrupt polarity and adhesion signaling to drive collagen remodeling during invasion Molecular Biology of the Cell (2016) PMID: 26864623 Pubmed
Lee B, Konen J, Wilkinson S, Marcus AI & Jiang Y Local alignment vectors reveal cancer cell-induced ECM fiber remodeling dynamics Scientific Reports (in press) Nov 2016 Pubmed
Mattheyses AL, Marcus AI Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Microscopy for Monitoring Biomolecular Interactions Methods in Molecular Biology (2015) Publication
Havel LS, Kline ER, Salguiero AM, Marcus AI Vimentin regulates lung cancer cell adhesion through a VAV2-Rac1 pathway to control focal adhesion kinase activity. Oncogene (2015) Pubmed
Brentnall M, Weir DB, Rongvaux A, Marcus AI, Boise LH Procaspase-3 regulates fibronectin secretion and influences adhesion, migration and survival independent of catalytic function J. Cell Science 2014 Pubmed
Antony M.L., Lee J, Hahm ER, Kim SH, Marcus AI, Kumari V, Ji X, Yang Z, Vowell C, Wipf P, Uechi GT, Yates N, Romero G, Sarkar SN, and SinghSV Growth Arrest by the Antitumor Steroidal Lactone Withaferin A in Human Breast Cancer Cells Is Associated with Downregulation and Covalent Binding at Cysteine-303 of β-Tubulin Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 Pubmed
Yang L, Sajja HK, Cao Z, Qian W, Bender LM, Marcus AI, Lipowska M, Wood WC, and Wang AY uPAR-targeted Optical Imaging Contrasts as Theranostic Agents for Tumor Margin Detection Theranostics 2013 Pubmed
Marcus, AI and Khuri FR Energizing the search to target LKB1 mutant tumors (2013) Cancer Discovery
Yang Z, Garcia A , Xu S, Powell DR, Vertino PM, Singh S, and Marcus AI Withania somnifera root extract inhibits mammary cancer metastasis and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (2013), PLoS ONE
Saba NF, Magliocca KR, Kim S, Muller S, Chen Z, Owonikoko TK, Sarlis N, Eggers C, Phelan V, Grist WJ, Chen A, Ramalingam SS, Zhuo G. Beitler J, Shin DM, Khuri FR, and Marcus AI Acetylated tubulin and risk of nodal metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck Head and Neck Pathology (2013) in press
LKB1 represses focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling via a FAK-LKB1 complex to regulate FAK site maturation and directional persistence Kline ER, Shupe J, Gilbert-Ross M, Zhou W, Marcus AI Journal of Biological Chemistry (2013) Jun 14;288(24):17663-74 Pubmed
Integrating Image Analysis Algorithms in a Web Interface for the Quantification of Microtubule Dynamics Kong K.Y., Marcus A.I., Giannakakou P., and Wang M.D. (2012) International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design Pubmed
Thaiparambil, J, Eggers, Marcus AI AMPK regulates mitotic spindle orientation though phoshphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain Molecular and Cellular Biology (2012) Pubmed
Eggers C, Kline ER, Zhong D, Zhou W, and Marcus AI STE20-related adaptor protein alpha (STRADα) Regulates Cell Polarity and Invasion through PAK1 Signaling in LKB1 Null Cells Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012), Pubmed
Thaiparambil J, Bender L, Ganesh T, Kline E, Patel P, Liu Y, Tighiouart M, Vertino P, Harvey RD, Garcia A , and Marcus AI Withaferin A inhibits breast cancer invasion and metastasis at sub-cytotoxic doses by inducing vimentin disassembly and serine 56 phosphorylation (2011) International Journal of Cancer Pubmed
Khoury HJ, Garcia-Manero G, Borthakur G, Kadia T, Foudray MC, Arellano M, Langston A, Bethelmie-Bryan B, Rush S, Litwiler K, Karan S, Simmons H, Marcus AI, Ptaszynski M, Kantarjian H. A phase 1 dose-escalation study of ARRY-520, a kinesin spindle protein inhibitor, in patients with advanced myeloid leukemias. Cancer. 2011 Dec 2. Pubmed
Kauh J, Chanel-Vos C, Escuin D, Fanucchi MP, Harvey RD, Saba N, Shin DM, Gal A, Pan L, Kutner M, Ramalingam SS, Bender L, Marcus AI, Giannakakou P, Khuri FR. Farnesyl transferase expression determines clinical response to the docetaxel-lonafarnib combination in patients with advanced malignancies. Cancer 2011 March Pubmed
AI Marcus and W Zhou LKB1-dependent pathways in lung cancer invasion and metastasis (2010, Journal of Thoracic Oncology) Pubmed
Erik R. Kline, Susan Muller, Lin Pan, Mourad Tighiouart, Zhuo Chen, and AI Marcus Localization-specific LKB1 loss in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis (2010, Head and Neck) Pubmed
Morales AR, Yanez CO, Schafer-Hales KJ, Marcus AI, Belfield KD. Biomolecule Labeling and Imaging with a New Fluorenyl Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe. Bioconjug Chem. 2009 Oct 2 Pubmed
Zhong D, Liu X, Schafer-Hales K, Marcus AI, Khuri FR, Sun SY, Zhou W. 2-Deoxyglucose induces Akt phosphorylation via a mechanism independent of LKB1/AMP-activated protein kinase signaling activation or glycolysis inhibition. Mol Cancer Ther. 2008 Apr;7(4):809-17. Pubmed
Morales A, Hales K, Marcus AI, Belfield K Amine-Reactive Fluorene Probes: Synthesis, Optical Characterization, Bioconjugation, and Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging Bioconjugate Chem 2008 :19 2559-2567 Pubmed
Zhang S, Schafer-Hales K, Khuri FR, Zhou W, Vertino PM, Marcus AI The tumor suppressor LKB1 regulates lung cancer cell polarity by mediating cdc42 recruitment and activity Cancer Research (2008) Feb 1;68(3):740-8.Pubmed
Schafer-Hales K, Iaconelli J, Snyder JP, Prussia A, Nettles JH, El-Naggar A, Khuri FR, Giannakakou P, Marcus AI Farnesyl transferase inhibitors impair chromosomal maintenance in cell lines and human tumors by compromising CENP-E and –F function Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (2007) 4:1317-28 Pubmed Great live cell images of chromosome tracking
Ruan G, Agrawal A, Marcus AI, Nie S. Imaging and tracking of tat peptide-conjugated quantum dots in living cells: new insights into nanoparticle uptake, intracellular transport, and vesicle shedding. J Am Chem Soc. 2007 Nov 28;129(47):14759-66 Pubmed
Zhou C, Cunningham L, Marcus AI, Li Y, and Kahn, RA Arl2 and Arl3 Regulate Different Microtubule-dependent Processes Molecular Biology of the Cell (2006)17(5):2476-87 Pubmed Great live cell images of mitosis
Marcus AI –Analysis of microtubule function during mitotic progression –Microtubule Protocols, Methods in Molecular Medicine- (2006) Humana Press View
Luhn P, Wang , Marcus AI, Fu H Identification of FAKTS as a novel 14-3-3-associated nuclear protein Proteins (2007) 67:479-89. Pubmed
Sun SY, Xiangguo Liu, Ping Yue, Zhou Z, Zou W, Marcus AI, and Khuri FR. The farnesyltransferase inhibitor lonafarnib induces CHOP-dependent expression of death receptor 5 leading to induction of apoptosis by cancer cells Pubmed